Today we got a cab-over…

And a floor…

Over the next couple of days the guys will be attaching the roof, and then applying the skin & adhesives.
The windows and doors from Dometic were lost for a couple of weeks. I have to commend them that they offered to air-freight them over from Germany at their cost (which would pretty much wipe out any “eco friendliness” of the project) but in the end somebody opened up one of the sea containers and found them! They are the acrylic, dual-pane, top-hinged, Seitz S4 windows. They will be installed this week as well.
Then finally, some of you may have noticed the huge gaping hole on the left side of the camper here:

…it is for a bed tent door from Cascade Designs. I “stole” the concept from the back of a Lance 1131 truck camper, found the manufacturer and ordered one for our truck. It is going to make a fantastic “spare bedroom” for when the grandparents come to visit.
Looks something like this:

I have to give credit to Rick Klug at Cascade. It turns out that he is an ExPo member, he had been reading about the EcoRoamer, and so was incredibly supportive when we told him that we wanted to include one of their tents in our design.
More details and pics as they come available over the coming days. It’s happening fast and furious now…
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