
Travel with our family

Join us as we explore the world in our carbon-neutral, 4x4 expedition vehicle called The EcoRoamer. We are happy to share our travel adventures, family memories and homeschooling experiences as we journey down the road less traveled.


Originally Posted by Lynn View Post

Clicky on the piccy.

Is that central inflation plumbing I see in the pic?

Thanks to all who have been shopping on our behalf, but we’re holding off for now anyhow.

The gov’t ones are only 16″ wheels anyhow. The XML’s are junk (as Charlie pointed out) and are what USA6x6 tried to pawn off on me in the beginning.

Nope – I’m going to stick with our 22.5 XDE’s for now, until I decide that I hate them and you were all right in the first place. At which point I will happily log back onto Expo and post that “I was wrong”.


EcoRoamer on TV TONIGHT!

We’re on Jalopnik!

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