

Travel with our family

Join us as we explore the world in our carbon-neutral, 4x4 expedition vehicle called The EcoRoamer. We are happy to share our travel adventures, family memories and homeschooling experiences as we journey down the road less traveled.


thought you guys might get a kick out of this…

I am launching my new start-up “Infinite Monkeys next week at the AppNation conference in San Francisco.

The company has a platform that lets anybody create free mobile apps for a local community that they are a part of / passionate about. (eg: Your school parent association, a small business, your church, a sports team, etc…) We have 700 apps already and are looking forward to growing it over the next year+

To make a big splash for the launch, we wrapped the EcoRoamer and it is going to be feature inside the Moscone Center at AppNation on April 27/28.

I have half priced tickets, if anybody wants to go…

Check this out!


EcoRoamer on TV TONIGHT!

We’re on Jalopnik!

Smelly oxidation

Internet in Motion

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