Travel with our family

Join us as we explore the world in our carbon-neutral, 4x4 expedition vehicle called The EcoRoamer. We are happy to share our travel adventures, family memories and homeschooling experiences as we journey down the road less traveled.

Dirty, dirty, dirty!

Originally Posted by alexrex20  I’d like to see that truck travel around the world for 3 years on only BIODIESEL. with such a cheeky sticker on the fuel tank, i sure hope they never put a single drop of dirty diesel in that truck. good luck finding biodiesel every 750 miles.  …Actually, I put “Dirty Diesel” […]

EcoRoamer in the news

Originally Posted by haven  Jalopnik’s coverage of the Eco-Roamer is now online…of-survival-rvThe article offers more details than the typical Jalopnik article, with lots of photos and a video. There’s even a plug for its debut at Overland Expo. Congratulations, Jay!  Thanks for the plug! Yes, a very exciting day today. The story also got picked […]


Hi Guys, Quick update, I’m half-way to the Overland Expo. One Thousand miles behind me, and another 1,000 miles to go. I had an appointment today in Houston with Matt Hardigree, one of the editors from Jalopnik (the best car culture site on the net, IMHO) – He did a full photo shoot and they are going to run […]

Fracking unbelievable…

Originally Posted by bronconut  My favorite form of fracking, this is out east of Farmington in a area I elk hunt in.  Guys… Since you seem so keen on discussing fracking (whatever that is…) I have set up your very own thread where you can talk about it as much as you like:…ad.php?t=41455 In the mean […]

DONE!!! …well sort of

The EcoRoamer is officially: “FINISHED”! Ok, Ok… so I know it’s never actually, really finished, and there will always be things to improve, but for now, after 2.5 years of building and 6 years of planning, I am officially declaring the “Build” phase over. Long live the “traveling” phase! What the heck do I do with my spare […]

Something completely different…

Man, I’m staying out of this one…. Anybody want to talk about something more interesting? Like maybe the environmentally friendly composting toilet:

Really!?? AGAIN?

Originally Posted by 52wrench  Awesome machine for sure, just get a real kick out of the “ECO” part. Kind of like Al Gore flying around in a private jet while preaching but I’m sure it had some recycled aluminum in it. LMAO. If you’ve got it and earned it, enjoy it, don’t try to justify it […]

We’re back! …sort of.

Hi Guys, OK, OK, so I guess we’re WAAAAY overdue for an update again. Sorry! We’ve been living in the EcoRoamer full time for two months now, as we completed our coast-to-coast shakedown trip. The truth is, it has been more like an ongoing ExPo reunion because we have stopped to see so many of the great […]

Starting the Voyage – Dec 25, 2009

Dec 25, 2009.  Redwood City, CA – Submitted by Alice Well, it is finally official. Today, we start our multi-year global expedition, Jay and I exploring the world one dirt road at a time. Fulfilling our lifelong dream of traveling the world in our custom designed and built EcoRoamer, meeting people, seeing our amazing planet […]


Delta airlines canceled our flight to San Francisco on Sunday, despite the beautiful blue skies… As a demonstration of their “commitment to the satisfaction of their valued customers” they offered to waive the $100 fee for re-booking on another date. So &%$#’ing generous! Anyhow, we’re not in the truck yet, but will (hopefully) actually be […]