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Travel with our family

Join us as we explore the world in our carbon-neutral, 4x4 expedition vehicle called The EcoRoamer. We are happy to share our travel adventures, family memories and homeschooling experiences as we journey down the road less traveled.

Plans for the cab…

Originally Posted by Joaquin Suave A quick question…Do you have plans to use the cab for anything other than place for you and your family to sit while on the road? Yes! It’s a huge space, so we’ve got equally big plans… We’ve got Alton doing the conversion work on the cab after Tulsa are finished with it. They will […]

Eco-Roamer – F650 based Expedition Vehicle

Well, after 2 years of planning, sketching and shopping I’m very happy to announce that our expedition vehicle is finally under way!  We are calling the project ECO-ROAMER and the intention is to build it in as environmentally friendly a manner as a diesel-belching-round-the-world-20,000-pound-truck can be… I have taken great inspiration and learning from everyone here at ExPo, so […]