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Travel with our family

Join us as we explore the world in our carbon-neutral, 4x4 expedition vehicle called The EcoRoamer. We are happy to share our travel adventures, family memories and homeschooling experiences as we journey down the road less traveled.

Originally Posted by Chas Stricker  Howdy Jay, What size are the MPT-81s and how much are you needing? I have a really light truck and they work well. Thanks and great build, Chas Thanks! PM sent…

Tires & Wheels Update

Originally Posted by Byrdseye  Jay, I just wanted to thank you for all the information and inspiration you have provided for all of us! Thank you so much for saying that. I’m really glad that our information is proving to be helpful to others, and that we’re able to return some of the inspiration we’ve derived […]

Spam powered trucks

Originally Posted by Lynn  What we need is a Spam powered car. Mythbusters disproved the water powered car thing, but used summer sausages as rocket fuel. I honestly don’t even know how to reply to the whole HHO suggestion… Personally, I quite like Mythbusters. I wouldn’t call them ‘great science’ but they are at least good […]

Regulators! …Mount up!

Originally Posted by Lynn  Admittadly I haven’t done the research you did, but could you have installed the 24V alternator in place of the 12V, and regulated it to 12V for the cab/engine needs? Hi Lynn, Good thought… there’s a few reasons why we didn’t go this route / why it might not have worked so […]

Yee HAW!!

Hi there, Thanks for taking the time to comment on our build, here’s my responses: Originally Posted by Joaquin Suave  Do you have provisions in place to be able bash out a window from the inside in case of emergency? I suppose it could happen… We’re not planning on jumping any ponds, but in case it […]

Productive Week

WARNING: Long Post! Kurt and I just got back from a very busy but productive week in MI/IN. After several long days of running from place to place the poor little guy’s 3yr old body finally collapsed tonight at 6pm and he’s lying snoring (loudly!) in the room next to me… Here’s some of the […]

The Kids

Hi Guys, Thanks for the comments and questions, mostly though thanks for the dedication to take the time reading through our (long!) thread… Here’s some quick responses… Originally Posted by The Adam Blaster  A couple questions that haven’t been answered as far as I can tell: How old are your kids, and do you have any […]

We broke 50!

50,000 VIEWS!!! I can’t believe this thread has just broken through 50,000 views and 275 posts. Thank you so much to everyone on ExPo for all of your interest and support over the past (almost) two years. This is by far the best community on the web, made up of amazingly generous & passionate people. […]


Hi Guys, Anyone out there in Indianapolis, or that area? I’ve never been, but the EcoRoamer is there now being fitted with a secondary alternator and some Llumar security film for the cab windows. (great video of it here!) I’m heading out there to pick up the truck at the end of this week, so if […]

Lambo Camper

Originally Posted by Something  When are you adding Lambo doors!?!?  You mean like this one?!? The DeBerti F650 from SEMA: Nice duallies! I suspect ExPo member ScottyMizt worked on that one!