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Travel with our family

Join us as we explore the world in our carbon-neutral, 4x4 expedition vehicle called The EcoRoamer. We are happy to share our travel adventures, family memories and homeschooling experiences as we journey down the road less traveled.

The Pass-through

Hi Again, Ever since we started this project there has been a lot of discussion / debate around the pass-through from the cab to the camper. We knew we wanted to have a way to go between them, but the question was always “how big?” We could go the Class-C style of a huge opening, […]

March Update

Hi Gang, I know it has been ages since we updated the progress of the project, sorry! Things are going well though and have been steadily moving along. We’ve pretty much been working on three main areas: Procurement Floorplan finalization Cab customisation 1) Procurement: I originally had a guy helping me on procuring all the […]

Power Bed Lift

Originally Posted by 2aroundtheworld Octamog! great to see you back… No idea how such a bed lift system can cost? It could be useful for another project I have in mind… Mark / Christian, We are using that exact system in our camper. We are ‘lifting’ a bed to the roof above the dinette. This […]

Pass Through Ideas

Hi Guys, Thanks for all the great suggestions and pics. Great input as always… A few comments in response to some of your points: We are planning on the cab being a part of the ‘living area’ of the camper, so would much prefer a ‘walk-through’ than a ‘wiggle-through’ type hole. The challenge comes in […]

Pass-through Advice?

Hi Giuys, Looking for some advice from others who have designed / lived-with a passthrough from the cab to the camper. We’re currently deciding on how big the ‘hole’ should be, and I’m starting to worry about thermal / noise leakage. There will be about a 5″ gap between the cab and the camper, with […]


Hi All, So for the long delay between posts, it’s been a busy couple of months. Lots of interesting progress on the truck though… Tulsa finished with the chassis & 4×4 conversion, they did an amazing job. I cannot recommend those guys highly enough. Then we drove the truck up to Indiana for some final measurements […]

Linear expansion

Originally Posted by Jeep Jay, how do you intend to fasten the Alucobond to the camper structure? Are you concerned with linear expansion and how will you address that? Thanks, Mark The plan is currently to use aluminum square tube for the camper frame, which should hopefully expand at the same rate as the aluminum […]

Merry Xmas

To all those who have had some interest in the Eco-Roamer project over the past few months and/or have offered advice… Thank You & Merry Xmas! May you and your families have a very happy holiday season. Thanks for visiting my thread. Stay tuned next year for more details of the build…


Hi All, Thanks for the various suggestions about the Warn Winches. I absolutely take your points about the capacity of the electric winches vs. something hydraulic or a PTO option. However, as we’ve already bought & installed the Warn’s I’m going to go with them for the moment and see where we end up with […]


Originally Posted by DaktariEd Hey, Jay! Where’s your website? The link in your sig line gives me an “Invalid Host Name” error…. Ed, We’ve been having “technical issues” with the server for a few months. I’ve just changed it over to GoDaddy and it’s back up now. Still the old truck though… ;-( We’ll get […]