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Travel with our family

Join us as we explore the world in our carbon-neutral, 4x4 expedition vehicle called The EcoRoamer. We are happy to share our travel adventures, family memories and homeschooling experiences as we journey down the road less traveled.

Originally Posted by Joaquin Suave What transmission are you using? <<SNIP>> I wanted to bring up another issue that I think you should be aware of… ECU’s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Does your motor and trani have them? You might be wise to see if you can replace the pump for a strictly mechanical one! I know this seems […]


Hi All, First of all let me just say that I love that this project has stirred some interesting conversation and passions on ExPo. If we do nothing else but get people thinking about how Expeditioning can be more environmentally friendly, then already we’ve accomplished something… That being said, I thought maybe I should finally […]

Originally Posted by Kermit Great build, it is coming along nicely. You wouldn’t be related to a guy named Ari, that has a smoothie shop in Tucson would you? Probably a long shot, you guys have the same last name, and from the Bay Area. NOPE… Though I like smoothies, so if he offers a […]

Adding up…

Originally Posted by spencyg An amazing amount of work. I hate to be too forward, but I’m sure I’ll ask what everybody is thinking… How much is the budget on this thing? Just the parts and base truck alone have got to be over $150k at this point, and you’re paying for labor too! Woudln’t […]

Winching out

Originally Posted by Bayou Boy Most of the time you size a winch for double your vehicle’s weight or 1.5 times the GVWR. Why did you go with the “small” 16500lb Warn on a 30000 pound truck? Couldn’t you have used some kind of PTO or hydraulic winch that would actually be useful in a […]

Eco-Roamer Update – Part 2

Continued… Wheels and Tires: The other news this week is that I finally got the chance to see my new wheels and tires. Some of you may recall, that I had posted a thread several months back “Looking for Michelin XZL’s or alternate 20″ tires” In the end we decided on the 14.5R20 Continental MPT81’s […]

Eco-Roamer Update

Hi Guys, OK, here is the long overdue update on the Eco-Roamer project. It’s been a packed month… The truck has spent the past few weeks in Tulsa, Oklahoma with Ron Turner and his guys at Tulsa Truck Manufacturing. They have been working on the 4×4 conversion and stretching out the frame. I can’t recommend them […]

Big Ford

Originally Posted by bigford That is an outstanding rig you are building. My .02 here: My F-700 is a double-frame truck and flex is limited. Running the bags in the rear, you will probably have to bottom one of them out to see any major flex as they “give” more than the leaf springs do. […]

daft response…

joaquin, you’re daft. …Ok, now that that’s out of the way: I actually agree with you. The F650 is a complete unknown in terms of flex, especially with the stretch and reinforcement I’m putting on it. The truck is in Tulsa literally this week having those done and then we’re going to test it out. […]

4-point diamond mount

Thanks Charlie / Rob / Lynn, That helps a lot. I will think about the diamond style mount and see how we can make it work with our design. I trust that in your designs all four points are hard mounted to the chassis frame and are not mounted in ‘series’ the way a universal […]